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The Decorum Around Sick Leaves and Sick Pays in Private Workplaces in Ireland


The concepts of remote working and paid sick leave are still somewhat grey areas, especially in the private corporate sector in Ireland. The right to work from home has not yet been officially legalised since the Work-Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 has not yet commenced. However, the Statutory Sick Pay Scheme (SSSP) has commenced, which gives Irish employees the legal right to ask for at least three sick days a year without compromising their day’s payment.

A big part of the decorum around paid sick leave policies is clear communication. This applies to both employees and employers

  • Employees must abide by the policies that improve communication and collaboration among remote teams, such as holding frequent check-ins and team meetings.

  • Employers must inform their staff members of any changes to the organization's health and safety laws and procedures.

The sooner you inform your team, manager, and employer about your unexpected or unauthorized absence from work due to an illness, the easier it will be for them to find replacements for all of the deliverables.

Sick Leaves Decorum for COVID in Ireland

COVID is still around. Without turning it into a major problem, we have discovered a way to deal with it. In Irish companies, COVID-related sick time is treated somewhat differently from other minor illnesses like the common flu.

  • In the event that an employee is absent from work for more than two consecutive days due to illness, they must submit a medical certificate following a predetermined framework.

  • It is imperative to obtain a medical certificate for work that must include the expected date of return to work. There are now options where employees who have contracted COVID could generate online sick certificates to certify that they are “unfit to work”. If you are using such a resource, then it is essential to find out if this is acceptable according to the company policy.

  • If you are self-isolating due to illness, there might be options available for remote work. However, since your ability to work effectively may be reduced in this situation, it is important to have a strong management approach to bridge the productivity gap.

  • Human resources (HR) are recommended to personally engage with any employee who has taken sick leave because of COVID, regardless of the duration of the absence. This approach can discourage employees from falsely claiming to be sick when they are required to sit down with HR or their manager and explain their sudden recovery.

With effect from September 30, 2022, the Government of Ireland will no longer offer the COVID-19 Enhanced Illness Benefit. However, if your employer has directed you to self-isolate and you have a medical certificate attesting to your condition, you may be able to apply for a regular illness benefit if you meet the requirements, which include having made enough social insurance (PRSI) contributions.

The Difference Between Sick Notes and Fit to Work Certificate

A fit-to-work certificate and an online sick note are two separate documents that are frequently confused.

Simply put, a sick note attests to the patient's inability to report to work due to an illness. With the help of a reputable telemedicine site like Get Sick Cert, it is sometimes acceptable to get an online sick note without seeing a doctor in person.

On the other hand, a fit-to-work certificate is a verification based on the employee's health and job requirements. This type of certificate is not available online, and a sick note cannot be used in its place. Employees are required to visit a doctor in person to get this document.

Getting Back to Work Following a Sick Leave

In Ireland, civil and public sector companies are required to provide a secure working environment, which may involve processing health information. Private sector businesses today are likewise expected to behave accordingly.

When an employee declares that they are prepared to return to work after a lengthy absence due to sickness, a doctor's letter stating that they are "fit to resume work" verifies that they are fully recovered and don't represent a risk of spreading any viral infections to their coworkers.

It is also part of the decorum for teams to consider the health and well-being of their teammate who is returning after a prolonged illness. Getting back to work needs to follow the ethical allocation of workload and routine. Frequent break times, following movement or activity restrictions and self-care norms are all considered priorities during this phase.




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